Jewish Bread That Are Part of Everyday Life

The Jewish people have a varied group of traditional foods. This is especially true for bread, which has different backgrounds and traditions. This comes about because of the spreading of the Jewish faith over the world. It is nice to know how these breads came about and how they are incorporated into culture today. People, even those who are not Jewish, can enjoy these breads in their life. They may do so, even now. Knowing the history can allow someone to enjoy these breads even more. It can include knowing more breads to include with meals, which has been part of more than the Jewish culture for generations.

The Bagel

Many people enjoy bagels, as they are available everywhere. Not many people know that it was invented in the sixteenth or seventeenth century as a gift to be given to a woman during the birth of a child. It has a less popular cousin, so to speak, called the bialy. This version is from Bialystok, Poland. The bread was brought to the United States and has exploded in popularity. Most people that eat this bread never realize it is Jewish or that it came from Poland. Such a versatile bread has become standard for breakfast.

Manna Bread

Challah bread is part of the Jewish tradition to have bread to represent manna from heaven in religious meals. Challah has three pieces of bread that are twisted together. The three twists represent the Exodus into Egypt, the creation of the world, and … READ MORE ...