Tips to Remember When Enhancing Photo Quality

When editing photos, it’s important to remember a few basic photographic principles. These include the Rules of thirds, white balance, Saturation, and Vibrance. They’re all essential to getting the best possible photo. Keep these in mind when editing photos; your images look much more professional.


If you’re working to enhance photo quality, you may be wondering how to adjust the Vibrance of each color in a photo. The brightness and saturation of colors can be altered in many different ways. For instance, adjusting the saturation of an image may make some colors look less intense while others appear more vibrant. In this case, you can adjust the Vibrance slider by adding a few points to each slider.

Vibrance is a powerful tool that lets you add a subtle brightness to certain areas of a photo by enhancing the saturation of specific colors. This tool makes dull parts of … READ MORE ...

How to File Successful Home Warranty Claims

If you’re looking to file a successful home warranty claim, you’ve come to the right place. You need to know several things before you submit a claim. These include limitations, exclusions, and waiting periods. Knowing what to expect before filing a claim will help you get the most out of your home warranty.

Tips for Filing a Successful Home Warranty Claim

When filing a home warranty claim, there are many necessary steps. The first step is to carefully review your coverage agreement. The next step is to submit your claim using the instructions provided by the warranty company. Ensure that you provide the proper documentation to back up your claim and send it via certified mail with a return receipt. Keeping records of your correspondence and conversations with the warranty company is also a good idea.

Next, knowing what types of items are covered by your home warranty in ArizonaREAD MORE ...