When looking for a job many people underestimate the value of a security guard. There are many misconceptions of what a security guards role may include. With today’s advancing technology many security guards of the past had limited responsibilities. Some of the limited responsibilities include some of the basic principles of physical security such as monitoring patrons, facilities, or closed circuit security cameras for suspicious activity, vandalism, criminal acts, rule violations, unauthorized entry or intrusion, vendor services, and most importantly providing customer service. According to Techopedia, physical security is defined as the protection of information technology and the approach to protecting facilities, equipment, resources, life, and a company’s proprietary assets by utilizing technology, guards, and environmental design. Working as a security job in today’s modernized society has become a challenge for many people who do not have the technical skills now needed to become an efficient security guard. Many security companies now have moved away from having guards hand write their daily activity reports to now utilizing a computer program or mobile device that allows you to type and electronically submit your daily activity report.

Utilizing a computer or mobile device for writing your reports is not the only limitation for most security guards. Now, security guards need to have some form of computer experience or technical experience to receive a slight or significantly higher paying job within the security field. When you look up any security systems virginia jobs, you will see the various types of security professionals along with pay range and the respective security duties. Some security jobs that are technical are entitled Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst or SOC Analyst. These types of security guards are technically trained and they have the ability to multitask very well due to the high volume of data information they must process. They are responsible for analyzing incoming information, alarm intrusion detection, customer service, data entry, sending out mass notifications, follow security system procedures, emergency response procedures, monitoring CCTV cameras, conduct investigations, video analytics, temporary and full-time employee badge activation, as well as remote system locks and unlocks. The SOC Analyst must be highly efficient in Microsoft Office as some of the main applications are used on a daily basis such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Lastly, a SOC Analyst has to also coordinate with emergency service members to properly tend to an emergency within the building or parking lot.
The responsibilities of a SOC Analyst compared to a security guard is paramount in the fact that an Analyst has to be more knowledgeable and versatile in his or her technical abilities to meet the demands of a fully functional 24/7 security operations center in order to deliver service at a high caliber. According to CI Security, in order for you to become a successful SOC Analyst you need to have the confidence to make decisions quickly as well as trust in your qualified team members in order to provide solutions to external and internal threats whether its cyber, physical, or environmental threats. So if you are already in the security field and or looking to get into the security field, then increasing your technical knowledge may help land you a high paying career.