Automotive Business For Sale Near Me

If you’re looking for an automotive business for sale near you, there are a number of different opportunities to consider. One option is a roadside assistance business, which is a non-cyclical, recession-resistant market. Another option is an automotive repair business. Both of these types of businesses require regular maintenance and repairs, but they offer a high margin of profit.

Tire business offers non-cyclical, recession resilient demand

The tire business is not as cyclical as you may think. The key metrics for this industry include miles driven and car production. When car production is weak, tire sales will suffer. If car production is strong, the replacement tire market will benefit. And if both are strong, the tire business will remain healthy even during recessions.

One of the most attractive aspects of the tire business is its non-cyclical, recession- resistant demand. As long as the price of oil remains low, this business … READ MORE ...