An Overview of What is CRP Test All About?

Taking a CRP test is essential to determine how much inflammation is in your body. High levels of CRP indicate inflammation, but this doesn’t mean you have a heart problem.

High CRP levels indicate inflammation

Having high CRP levels in the blood is a marker of inflammation. Many diseases and conditions increase CRP levels. These conditions include infections, trauma, inflammation, and chronic illnesses. Having high CRP levels can increase your risk of heart disease.

CRP is a pentameric protein that is synthesized by the liver in response to inflammation. When inflammatory proteins reach the bloodstream, the liver releases CRP into the bloodstream. This protein helps the body’s immune system respond to inflammation. Having high CRP levels can indicate that inflammation is present in the heart and arteries.

It is essential to know that high CRP levels are not definitive diagnoses. Certain medications can falsely elevate them. Many conditions cause mild … READ MORE ...