Tips to Remember When Enhancing Photo Quality

When editing photos, it’s important to remember a few basic photographic principles. These include the Rules of thirds, white balance, Saturation, and Vibrance. They’re all essential to getting the best possible photo. Keep these in mind when editing photos; your images look much more professional.


If you’re working to enhance photo quality, you may be wondering how to adjust the Vibrance of each color in a photo. The brightness and saturation of colors can be altered in many different ways. For instance, adjusting the saturation of an image may make some colors look less intense while others appear more vibrant. In this case, you can adjust the Vibrance slider by adding a few points to each slider.

Vibrance is a powerful tool that lets you add a subtle brightness to certain areas of a photo by enhancing the saturation of specific colors. This tool makes dull parts of … READ MORE ...

How to Write a Fashion Business Plan

When writing a fashion business plan, make sure to include these critical components: Competitive analysis, Production plan, and Unique selling proposition. These four areas will help you make a winning business plan. Once you have these elements, you can move on to more specific elements such as marketing, sales, and customer satisfaction. Here are some examples of what you can include in your plan.

Components of a fashion business plan

Components of a fashion business plan include an executive summary and a business overview. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of the business plan and outlines the company’s mission statement, product offerings, target market, and goals and objectives. The business overview provides an in- depth look at the company’s history, ownership structure, and management team. A business overview should also discuss trends affecting the industry and the clothing store’s target market.

Another essential component of a fashion business plan … READ MORE ...

Types of Fashion Marketing Jobs

There are various types of jobs in the field of fashion marketing. These positions require a combination of creativity and analytical skills. They are responsible for raising awareness of products, promoting them to consumers, and analyzing consumer trends to determine which products will best suit consumer needs. Moreover, they must be able to devise goal-oriented campaigns and strategically apply ideas and data to achieve specific objectives.


A publicist’s job is a critical one in the fashion industry. These people work closely with fashion houses to market their clients’ products and gain positive media attention. Their job involves working with celebrity clients, media outlets and magazines. They also handle damage control, sending flowers to the right people, smooth-talking with journalists and promoting their clients.

Public relations specialists have to be personable, innovative, and organized to be effective in their job. They should also be hardworking and a good communicator. These … READ MORE ...

Types of Fashion Business

There are various types of fashion business. These include High end high street, Bespoke and Haute Couture. In this article, we’ll discuss how to start a fashion business. If you’re new to this business, you should have a plan to get your business off the ground. It will help you stay on track and ensure your success. In addition, establishing an online presence can help you reach a larger audience and promote your products.

Haute Couture

Haute Couture is a form of fashion business that features exquisite clothing for the high-end market. The fashion industry is highly regulated and adheres to certain standards and regulations. Many of the registered houses are extremely successful, but there are also many who fail to make the mark. The future of Haute Couture is uncertain, but it is likely to remain a popular business for many years to come.


Bespoke fashion is a … READ MORE ...

Jobs in the Fashion Industry for Freshers

Are you looking for jobs in the fashion industry? There are many different jobs available, from retail assistant to stylist. However, no matter what you are looking for, there is a job for you in the industry. In this article, you will learn about the different types of jobs in the fashion industry, as well as how much each one pays. You can also find out who is hiring people for these jobs and what the salary range is for each position.

Career paths in the fashion industry

If you love fashion and have a flair for designing, there are many different career options in the industry. From working in the retail sector to working as a trend forecaster, there are several different ways to make a living in this highly lucrative industry. Listed below are some of the most popular fashion jobs. Read on to discover the right one … READ MORE ...