Air Cooling by Evaporation Of Water (Evaporative Air Cooler)

Air cooling by evaporation of water or Evaporative air cooler is the most efficient natural cooling is through evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling works on the principle of absorption of heat by evaporation of moisture. This also occurs in human skin, the body sweats and cools the temperature. This process is similar to how you feel cooler when the wind blows from the sea.

Evaporative cooling provides effective cooling by combining a natural process water evaporation process – with a simple reliable air drive system. The fresh outside air is filtered through a saturated evaporation medium, cooled by evaporation, and circulated by a blower.

The evaporative cooler is one of the household appliances that has long been known and was first used, even older than the air conditioner. It is called a desert cooler in the Middle East, and is also called a swamp cooler in the United States. The … READ MORE ...